360 Owl’sOul

Oliviero Draghi

Oliviero Draghi orients himself by taking inspiration from his family and personal background, to then develop sculptures of different styles and materials, with a glance to tradition.

Brigitte Yoshiko Pruchnow

Brigitte Yoshiko Pruchnow is a German-Japanese artist who finds her role models both in Western modern realism and in traditional Asian ink painting.

Zuzanna Jankowska

Zuzanna Jankowska is a young talent from Poland whose paintings have been exhibited in solo shows nationally. She creates paintings that combine graphic realism and geometry.

Meet us with friends from Andersen

From October 13 to December 8, in Warsaw, the international IT company Andersen will hold The 360 Degrees Owl'sOul Art Exhibition.

PathToWeb joined the Event's opening. Communication, collaboration and pleasure to see our friends and partners.